Integration with Shiftcode script.

1. Login to your shiftcode admin panel,click on Products -> Paid To Sign Up and select "Affiliate Networks".

2. Now select custom network and click Add.

3. Enter AdClickWall in Name then click on Add Affiliate Network.

4. Go To Affiliate networks page and click edit on AdClickWall.

5. Now enter the settings as shown in below image. :

Shiftcode Integration

6. Once you have filled all, save the information. That's all.Ad Click Wall is now integrated with your Shiftcode Account.

7. Now come back again to Ad Click Wall goto Publisher Panel -> Edit Website and update your postback URL.

8. Create a new page from your shiftcode account and add below provided iframe code.You may adjust width and height according to your needs. Replace [PUBLISHER_API] with yours which you will find here : Publisher Panel.

<iframe src="[PUBLISHER_API]&u={~$user.username~}"width="100%" height="1200" scrolling="0" frameborder="0" ></iframe>

9. That's All. Ad Click Wall is now integrated on your website. Happy Earnings !